Lessons Learnt From Being a Uni Student

Lessons Learnt From Being a Uni Student

Photo by Nazareth College

Photo by Nazareth College

We all come to university with the hope of furthering our education and becoming more well rounded individual. But how much do we actually learn? Although we might be required to read novels and study law cases, is it actually of any use in the long run? Here is a compilation of the real life lessons we are taught during our time at university.

1) The Art of Blagging

Whether it be blagging an essay or blagging free stuff, students are the masters of this technique. We are trained from the very beginning of our university careers to blag. Freshers fair is the perfect time to hone your skills, as you take all the free pens, mugs and key rings that your free canvas bags can hold (without forgetting the free pizza of course!). This education is continued as we progress through uni, and each essay we write includes more and more blagging. See, it’s practically ingrained in us!

2) The Art of Time Management

This is an important lesson that may take a while to actually learn. Time management is an essential part of our university careers, whether it be balancing uni work with a social life or with jobs. Uni students often have more than one thing on the go at one time, so time management is an essential skill.

3) The Art of Napping

There is nothing better than a nap – like seriously. University students revert back to toddlers in this regard. But with the workload of university along with the social life, sometimes the sacrifice we make is a good night of sleep. In this case, naps are golden; there is nothing better than coming home from a lecture and going straight back to bed. And with the perfect nap requiring only half an hour of your time in order to reinvigorate you, they’re perfect for exam season!

4) The Art of Cooking

When we arrive at university we are nothing more than big kids and our life skills may be sub-par. Without mum or dad around to help, survival instincts kick in and we all of a sudden develop the ability to look after ourselves, whether it be doing the laundry, hoovering or cooking. By the end of the first year of uni, most students have more than mastered the basics of cooking (boiled eggs, pasta, you know the drill). But as university life progresses, so do our cooking abilities, and soon we’re like Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen (swearing and everything).

5) The Art of Knowing Yourself

This is perhaps the most important lesson we learn during our time at uni. During our time here, we have more freedom to discover who we are. Whether it be trying a new hobby or sport, or meeting new people, we are exposed to different things. As a result of this, we become more self aware and get know ourselves better.


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